“Paul’s Prayer in Colossians Chapter One”
I continue to be reminded that saying a prayer & praying a prayer can be as different as night & day salt water & fresh water instant coffee & fresh brewed coffee. One is substantial & Spirit-led, the other watered down & merely human-formed.
Today’s message was born from a Bible study I led a few weeks ago & solidified as I listened to Colossians chapter one the other day on the Bible App. It’s one of five written out prayers in the New Testament. Each one (as is all of scripture) is inspired. Each one is worth appreciating & applying.
Paul’s prayer in Colossians chapter one tells us that …
1. God wants us to know His will & live a life worthy of the Lord.
Yes, God wants us to know His will & life a life worthy of the Lord.
Colossians 1:9-12
2. through Christ God did what only He could do … and it is done.
There’s been an actual & absolute change of location along with a full & final transference
of debt that brings total redemption & complete forgiveness.
Colossians 1:13-14
Making It Real
1] Are you convinced this is true for you?
2] If so, then are you convinced this is true about you?
Action Step
Memorize Colossians 1:13-14.
Cornerstone Community Church 5344 Fishcreek Rd Stow OH 44224
Pastor Dan Page August 29, 2021 www.ccc-stow.faithlifesites.com